We Love to Spend Time Outdoors
As a result, our homes are expanding to include outdoor living and entertaining spaces. Function has become an important aspect of those spaces and kitchens are now an integral part of the plan.

Without a Doubt, the perfect product
Premier’s Outdoor Cabinet Collection is the perfect product for designing a beautiful and durable outdoor kitchen. Our high-performance cabinetry is loaded with features and benefits not found in other products.
Beautiful, Durable,
High-performance cabinetry.
Smartly engineered and beautifully crafted, our outdoor cabinetry boasts a waterproof, weathertight case. And, while our gasket seal insures product performance in all types of weather, our selection of wood, metal and powdercoat options provide a style choice for every client.

High Performance OUtdoor Cabinetry
Premier’s Outdoor Cabinetry Collection is unmatched in the industry. Smartly engineered and beautifully crafted, our outdoor cabinetry boasts a waterproof, weathertight case. And, while our gasket seal insures product performance in all types of weather, our selection of wood, metal, and powercoat options provide a style choice for every client.